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Construction Site


Serving Our Customers

The information displayed on and referred to in the Deo Hire website has been produced for your convenience and with the intention of assisting you with any enquires you may have about our goods and services. We encourage you to utilise the information provided on this website but please note the following:

Deo Hire has taken all reasonable care to produce information that is accurate, however, we cannot guarantee that it is free from errors, omissions or is suitable for your intended use.

Deo Hire recommends that before you act on any information on this site you seek independent advice as we shall not be responsible for loss, damage, cost or expense (whether direct or indirect) incurred by you as a result of any error, omission or misrepresentation in any information on this site. You may download the information provided on this web site for your own personal use or in order to inform others about it, but you may not reproduce or modify the information contained on, or referred to in, this web site without written express permission by Deo Hire.

Equipment Availability

  • Reservations that require payment are considered confirmed bookings. Any reservations that are ‘Confirmation Required’ will be followed up with a call or email (depending on your preferred contact method).

 Website Images & Products

Images are taken to portray the equipment in application or the latest purchased model. Often equipment images may include more than one equipment item to display its correct use on the job. In some instances, items in the photo may be included or charge separately.

Also note, Makes and Models of equipment may vary from the image portrayed.

Price Differences

Deo Hire has created an end to end hiring system. All prices quoted Online or written are reflected in store. Prices deemed Price on Application (P.O.A) are quoted based on duration of hire, time of use, type of application and other factors that determine the use of the equipment.

Deo Hire prices are updated on a regular basis to ensure we remain competitive and always offer you the best possible price. 

Store Policies: Warranty Disclaimer
Hammers on Rack


The customer must also comply with Deo Hire’s Hire Contract Conditions.

Cancellation of Hire

As a customer you may only cancel your hire reservation over the phone at any time prior to the hire commencing. Where delivery has been requested and cancellation is inside 2 hours of the start date/time a delivery charge will apply when the driver has loaded or left the yard. The amount charged for delivery will not exceed the quoted amount for delivery. Deo Hire also reserve the right to on-charge any other legitimate costs incurred following a cancellation.

Upon cancellation Deo Hire will refund any deposit taken.

Faulty Equipment

It is Deo Hire’s responsibility to provide equipment free from fault and in good working order. If any item is received in a faulty condition or not in good working order, Deo Hire will either repair or replace the item, or refund any deposit taken.

When an item has been delivered, repair or replacement of the item onsite will be entirely at Deo Hire’s cost where the Equipment is hired by the customer.

(Please note: for remote hire the customer is generally responsible, at its cost, for daily maintenance and care of equipment in its possession.  The customer will generally pay all charges relating to delivery, servicing and repair of equipment and for any other attendance by Deo Hire. Charges may include parts, consumables, travel to and from, labour costs, call out fees and direct travel costs.)

Store Policies: Return Policy

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+679 9992453/+679 9992456

Lot 11 Industrial Area, Denarau Island, Nadi, Fiji Island

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©2023 by Deo Hire.

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